Climbing on Vitosha 2022 (Bulgaria)

Inspired by the anniversary of 65 years since the establishment of the New Acropolis world wide, members of the New Acropolis Bulgaria gathered to climb mount “Cherny vruh”, the highest […]

Eco Vitosha (Sofia, Bulgaria)

For the 5th year in a row the New Acropolis Sofia visited its adopted tourist trail in the Vitosha mountain. The volunteers cleaned the steps and the rain water ditches […]

Eco Vitosha 2020 (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Volunteers from the New Acropolis Sofia gave start of this year’s activities dedicated to taking care of the adopted tourist trail in the Vitosha mountain. After a thorough examination they […]

Eco Vitosha 2019 (Sofia, Bulgaria)

For the third year in a row the volunteers from the New Acropolis are taking care for the adopted tourist trail in Vitosha mountain. Besides overlooking the current state of […]

“Eco Vitosha” (Sofia, Bulgaria)

The New Acropolis Sofia volunteers continued their “adoption” work , in the Vitosha mountain, by the Acropolis tourist trail between the mountain huts “Bor” and “Planinarska pesen”. One part on […]