On World Philosophy Day, ‘Philosophy helps us find “the sky” within us’ (Athens, Greece)

World Philosophy Day

World Philosophy Day - Νέα Ακρόπολη - Ημέρα Φιλοσοφίας“We live in a materialistic world …we may have developed awesome high tech communications that allow us to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world, but, at the same time, people nowadays are very isolated and alone. Everyone may “reach” anyone through technology across the world but does not know who lives next to him. Philosophy helps us to get out of this “bubble”: Philosophy helps us find “the sky” within us … but there needs to be something in us that when we observe the sky wonders, and reflects. It is in that phase that Philosophy is born: the ability to wonder “why”. This makes us philosophers in practice: we can become slowly, little by little, more masters of ourselves.”

With these words, the vice president of I.O.N.A. (International Organization New Acropolis), professor Georgios Alvarado Planas offered food for thought and open discussion, via his presentation ‘Philosophy in Action’, at the event that was held at the bookstore IANOS in Athens, Greece. An audience of all ages attended the event that was organized by New Acropolis Greece entitled ‘Philosophy in life’ and organized in combination with UNESCO’s World Philosophy Day.         World Philosophy Day - Νέα Ακρόπολη - Ημέρα Φιλοσοφίας

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