World Philosophy Day (Bucharest, Romanía)

World Philosophy Day

New Acropolis Bucharest celebrated World Philosophy Day, and the program of activities this year included a thematic exhibition entitled “History and Philosophical Ideas”: a journey remembering great philosophers along with their most important ideas.

The event began with the lecture entitled “Thoughts on time, destiny and free will”, given by the national director of New Acropolis Romania, Professor Ivo Ivanovici. In the next days three documentary films about the ancient Egyptian civilization were screened, and a series of open philosophical debates took place focusing on the following topics:
· The inner self, what’s involved in this process and what criteria must we use to evaluate our actions, thoughts, and emotions? · Time: the theme is inspired by the ideas of Seneca in his work ‘The Brevity of life’ · The search for values: about materialistic, spiritual, personal and universal values.

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