Tales and Legends of Spring – The rebirth of the world in different traditions (Montreal, Canada)

Cultural Activities

In an enchanting setting, the public were able to attend a lecture on the tales and legends of the spring, and were transported to the four corners of the world in a magical and mysterious universe. Tales and legends are wonderful stories which show the great forces of nature, the gods and men and carry messages of wisdom for who knows how to read between the lines. Far from the modern idea that catalogs them as simple stories for children, tales and legends exist since the dawn of time and are present in all cultures and traditions. Transmitted orally, they open the door of the soul and bring us into a sacred dimension.To mark the opening of this spring cycle where nature awakens after a long torpor, the speaker and philosopher Céline Bouchard shared with her audience tales and legends about the origins of the renaissance talking about this magical time after the cold winter. Through, among other things, a Finnish, Amerindian and Vietnamese tale, she made us discover that this symbolic time of passage in the year brings us back to our own mystery and to this force of nature which is reborn every year at the time of the equinox of spring. All the traditions presented convey in their own way fabulous stories that greet the rebirth of nature and invite us to live in tune with this strength that inhabits each one of us and transmits an energy of renewal and fulfillment. This lecture was an opportunity to live a moment out of time in our mechanical world that often forgets to marvel at the wonders of nature.

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