Online Art Week 2020 with more than 50 000 participants (Brazil)

Artistic Activities

Due to COVID-19 related restrictions, this year we presented Live Art Week via our YouTube channel and the national Facebook page. In 7 days, with 7 different activities, we had more than 50 000 live participants (views) on our channels.

Art Week is held every year to dialogue with the public about the importance of art – in all its expressions – as a tool for transforming human beings and society.
In this edition, we talk about painting, architecture, poetry, theater and music; from the master of painting Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, through sacred architecture, to the mystical poet Rumi, Shakespeare’s theater and Beethoven’s music.

In addition to these 5 topics, we welcomed the special participation of world-renowned writer Steven Pressfield, for an interview with Prof. Lúcia Helena Galvão about the transcendent value that art and beauty possess.

We also had a very special conversation with the national president of New Acropolis Brazil, Prof. Luis Carlos Marques Fonseca, on “Philosophy, the Art of Living,” which showed how philosophy can go beyond intellectual speculation and become a path in the art of living, taking us to the best of ourselves.


  • Dear ones,

    Apologies for my late feedback, truly. However, it comes no surprise your Art event. I have been in touch with most of your work, for quite some time. I do feel extremely grateful for the opportunity to make a a good use of of its content, but also for having them into a quite good food for thought.


    Romeu A. Cunha

  • It’s been more than four years. Notwithstanding I simply cannot help to keep on watching your fantastic work on the web. As I have already mentioned, my favourite video happened to turned into my diary. Yes, I managed to get it on words.

    Beloved Ones, you have no idea. How your work, the caring for building up a better way of living. It’s something.


    Sometimes, we have the opportunity to get out the Cave. Because, we are guided by some particular people who got it’s allegory easier for many people.

    Believe me.

    You have no idea.


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