Seminar: Arthurian legends and their symbols (Portugal)

Educational Activities

New Acropolis Portugal presented a national summer course for members of the association, through the Zoom platform, given by José Carlos Fernández, writer and director of New Acropolis Portugal, with the following program:

  1. The myth and story of King Arthur
  2. Chivalresque Initiation, symbols and origins.
  3. The Holy Graal, who is it and who does it serve; Galahad, the perfect knight.
  4. The myth of Percival and the Fisher King.
  5. Tristan, the knight of Love, and Isolde, nature magician.
  6. Heroes and arthurian symbols (Gawain, Ivaine, Lancelot, Sir Kay, the Lady of Shalott, Guinevere, the Dream and Death of Arthur, etc.)
  7. The weapons of the knight as symbols and the Book of the Order of Chivalry by Ramon Llull
  8. Merlin the wizard and the arthurian initiatic legacy
  9. Don Quixote de la Mancha

Highlights of each class are available on Nova Acropolis’ YouTube channel

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