Seminar: Arthurian legends and their symbols (Portugal)
New Acropolis Portugal presented a national summer course for members of the association, through the Zoom platform, given by José Carlos Fernández, writer and director of New Acropolis Portugal, with the following program:
- The myth and story of King Arthur
- Chivalresque Initiation, symbols and origins.
- The Holy Graal, who is it and who does it serve; Galahad, the perfect knight.
- The myth of Percival and the Fisher King.
- Tristan, the knight of Love, and Isolde, nature magician.
- Heroes and arthurian symbols (Gawain, Ivaine, Lancelot, Sir Kay, the Lady of Shalott, Guinevere, the Dream and Death of Arthur, etc.)
- The weapons of the knight as symbols and the Book of the Order of Chivalry by Ramon Llull
- Merlin the wizard and the arthurian initiatic legacy
- Don Quixote de la Mancha
Highlights of each class are available on Nova Acropolis’ YouTube channel