Volunteering Training Course (Córdoba, Argentina)

Ecological Volunteering

In February, the first practical activity of the Volunteering Training Course was carried out: participants gathered at the City Zoo to plant the seedlings of native species of the region which were prepared during the 2019 Urban Forests project carried out together with biologist Luisina Battiston and the Córdoba Zoo.

During the first volunteering day, after studying the main characteristics of the native species (sachahuascas, talas, espinillos, tuscas, jarillas and lagañas de perro), the planting was carried out. Participants had the opportunity to work as a team and bring forth their good will, in contact with nature.

This course is for people interested in training to become a volunteer through theoretical classes, techniques as well as practical days of ecological volunteer work. In the next practical meeting we will collect seeds to start a new edition of the Urban Forests Project.



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