Lecture on Bulgakov’s novel ‘The Master and Margarita’ (Volgograd, Russia)

Cultural Activities

‘Falling in love with a book’ festival was taken place in Volgograd, on Saint Valentine’s day. New Acropolis was invited to give a lecture on the most mysterious and profound novel in Russian literature. This is ‘The Master and Margarita’ by Mikhail Bulgakov.

The main topic of the lecture was an image of Destiny behind the central character Woland. Meeting with him, the other characters have a chance to see themselves true and change their lives, correct themselves. But do they notice the chance?  Normally not.  However there are two of them who somehow thanks to the events came up to their authentic selves. They are, for example, Leviy Matvei and Ivan Bezdomniy. In the book they are called disciples.

Лекция Ольги Наумовой о «Мастере и Маргарите» М. Булгакова.

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