Online talk: “Female myths” (Malaga, Spain)

Cultural Activities

New Acropolis Malaga organised this online talk on Female Myths on the occasion of the commemoration of Women’s Day. The participants talked about four goddesses: Isis, Athena, Aphrodite and Amaterasu, narrating their myths and explaining the meaning and symbolism of these divinities.

At the beginning, an introduction was made recalling the importance of the Mother Goddesses in different cultures of all times, from Prehistory to current religions, as well as the different aspects and functions of the archetype of the Goddess.

This journey through myths from East and West began with the Egyptian goddess Isis, and ended with the Japanese goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu, and the myth that narrates her hiding in a cave after being wronged by the god Susanoo and how the other gods by means of tricks managed to get the Sun out of its hiding place and shine again in the firmament.

You can see the talk in the following link:

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