Online Talk: Philosophy for a VUCA world (London, UK)


VUCA is an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. It was introduced in the late 1990s to describe the world that resulted from the end of the cold war and was subsequently adopted by business. It has gained wider popularity in recent years, especially in 2020.

New Acropolis London chose this theme offering four 20-minute presentations on each of the concepts of VUCA, by 4 different speakers, with time for questions and answers after each session. It was well attended and each concept had not only depth but also resonated with the way we live in everyday life.

Our participants learned how throughout history humanity has had to face many VUCA times and philosophy has always been a valuable tool to overcome the challenges. In times of crisis, philosophy is not a luxury but a necessity and one of the most useful means for finding sustainable solutions.

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