Difficulties help unlock our reserves of strength (Buda, Hungary)

Social Volunteering

New Acropolis in Budapest held a workshop on inner strength in collaboration with the KórházSuli (‘Hospital School’) Foundation. The Foundation supports the education of children who miss months or even years of school due to long-term illness. To help them catch up, the children are supported by high school or university students who are close in age to them, backed by a dedicated team of skilled volunteers.

The workshop was held by the head of the foundation, Monika Tóthné Almássy, a member of New Acropolis. At the workshop, participants were shown photos of the work of the Foundation and heard reports from volunteers who had passed through similar crises themselves. The sharing of experiences revealed that exploring the internal resources of the participants has a key role in working together.








The stories told encouraged the audience to ponder about their own skills and spiritual resources they can mobilize in unexpected situations.

The skills identified were then turned into drawings by the participants to carry with them as symbols and reminders.

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