Action and Citizenship Committee invites New Acropolis to Volunteer Day (Brazil)

Institutional Presence

“Volunteering and Meaning of Life” was the theme presented by New Acropolis.

In celebration of Volunteer Day, New Acropolis – an international organization of Philosophy, Culture and Volunteering – participated in an activity promoted by the Committee for Action and Citizenship of Servants of the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília.

The director of the Lago Sul headquarters, volunteer teacher Melissa Andrade Costa, spoke about the topic “Volunteering and the meaning of life” in the auditorium of the Chamber of Deputies Training Center.

She explained that a Volunteer is someone who always awakens the spirit of Service and who, in a philosophical way, acts because they understand the causes of pain and human nature and, by better understanding the logic of life, they serve better.

For Philosophy in the Classical Way, the Human Being has within himself a “higher self” that needs to be awakened to Will (sense of duty), to Intelligence (it makes sense to serve) and to Love (empathy, compassion).

A tip that teacher Melissa left to develop in this way is to exchange the desire (I do it because I like it) for the feeling of duty (I do it because it is fair, because it benefits a greater number of people), which leads to fulfillment and a meaning in life.

“We grow to help others grow and in this way, we increase our level of wisdom to act better,” she said.

She also commented that volunteering is not just doing some social work, it is doing everything we have to do in the name of something bigger than ourselves, starting with the closest relationships and expanding.

The event celebrating National Volunteer Day was organized by the Citizenship Committee and also included a presentation of the CD Cidadania, projection of digital painting with illustrator Diego Moscardini, presentation of the Chamber Choir, speeches by representatives of the Liga do Bem (Federal Senate) , Casa Akotirene and Catamare, ending with a performance of rhymes and dance by Grupo Azulim with Freestyle and Breaking.

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