Art Week proposes reflections on human behavior and happiness (Brazil)

Cultural Activities

What is the relationship between art and human conduct? How can contact with beauty help us to find harmony and happiness? These were some of the reflections proposed by the International Organization New Acropolis during Art Week 2023.

The program included lectures, dialogues, workshops and artistic appreciation of music, dance, theater and painting in the more than 60 venues of New Acropolis in Brazil.

In Brasília, Art Week, for example, ended with a presentation by the Philharmonic Orchestra and the New Acropolis Youth Choir, followed by a lecture by the national director of Brazil-North, Luís Carlos Marques.

Three capitals of the Northeast also offered the conference “What we should know about happiness” by Professor Lúcia Helena Galvão, a professor at New Acropolis for 34 years.

At the Recife Events Center; the Ariano Suassuna Cultural Center, in João Pessoa; the Alberto Teatro Maranhao and the Hotel Holliday Inn, in Natal, Professor Lúcia gave a lecture on happiness.

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