Cultural Event and Visit to the Tutankhamun Exhibition (Verona, Italy)

Educational Activities

A group of volunteers from New Acropolis Verona travelled to Venice to visit the exhibition entitled “Tutankhamun – 100 Years of Mysteries”, at the “Palazzo Zaguri”.

It was a two-hour trip to see thousands of life-size reproductions of ancient artefacts found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, originally discovered when the burial chamber was opened in the 1920s by archaeologist Howard Carter.

The group visit was linked to the recent cultural event held on 16 February in Verona, exactly 100 years after the discovery, where the story was told to a large audience of enthusiasts and with previously unpublished photographs.

The aim of the visit was to see Tutankhamun’s treasures with our own eyes, and to be able to recognize the symbols and hidden messages of one of the most important civilizations of the ancient world: Egypt.

At the end of the day, there was time to stroll through the streets and canals of Venice, stopping to admire the various picturesque sights of the city.


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