In honor of the International Mother Earth Day (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Mother Earth Day

In honor of the International Mother Earth Day, volunteers of the New Acropolis in Yekaterinburg organized an environmental festival called “Through diversity to unity”.

In different ecological communities we can see examples of well-coordinated teamwork, well-established relationships between big and small members, mutually beneficial cooperation, and the ability to wait for the good moment. And the more diversity we can observe in a community, the better connections may exist between such different participants, besides it become more stable and we can see more unity in it.

There are a lot of small and large eco-projects and initiatives in Yekaterinburg, some of them put out fires, another one plants trees or conducts ecological hikes and cleans forests and river banks of the garbage. Everyone does their own little things, and in this way we all together help the Earth. And as the philosophy and the laws of nature teach us, the better we interact with each other, the stronger become our bonds, and the more sustainable our help will be.

During the festival the participants of eco-projects met with each other and presented their work to the citizens.

Besides, guests of the festival had an opportunity to take part in the games called “Come Out of the Fire” and “The keepers of the Earth”, where they found out how to create their own eco-projects, and also discovered that the human being is an important part of the ecological system. That’s why it is very important for people to pay attention not only to the cleanness of the world around us, but also to the purity of the emotions and thoughts inside ourselves.

Everyone tried to come to the festival with their own small offerings for Mother Earth, that in the future can become a new eco-friendly habit.

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