Tag: New Acropolis Yekaterinburg
“Through Diversity to Unity” – the Night of Philosophy (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
It all started with living Plato’s myth of the cave. Together we reflected on what “shadows” are, why it is difficult for us to allow a different point of view, […]
New Acropolis organized for boys from the Harlem football club an environmental game called “Defenders of the Earth” (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
We are convinced that by being united we can cope with environmental problems and pollution. By cleaning up the litter in our city we help the whole Earth. Besides, we […]
In honor of the International Mother Earth Day (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
In honor of the International Mother Earth Day, volunteers of the New Acropolis in Yekaterinburg organized an environmental festival called “Through diversity to unity”. In different ecological communities we can […]
World Cleanup Day “Let’s do it 2022!“ (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
The School of Philosophy New Acropolis together with the “Ecodozor” good deeds movement and the “Clean Ural” Project organized garbage disposal in a beautiful forest in the city suburb. Participation […]
Workshop “Diary: how to stay true to yourself” (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
New Acropolis held a workshop “Diary: how to stay true to yourself” as a part of the course presentation “Philosophy for Life”. The main idea was to show that the […]
Happy birthday, Marcus Aurelius! (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
Philosophic marathon in social media “If I were Marcus Aurelius”, where within a week everyone could try some elements of stoic lifestyle, considering the phrases of the Marcus Aurelius’ diary, […]
Forest as a gift (Yekaterinburg, Russia)
6,500 pine, fir and cedar seedlings, was the result of the joint efforts of the project “The forest as a gift”, carried out by volunteers from New Acropolis and members […]
In honor of the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
The lecture ‘Mahatma Gandhi. Life in search of Truth’ took place in Ekaterinburg, and opened a series of events by New Acropolis to celebrate Ghandi’s 150-anniversary. Thanks to such a […]
Philosophical session entitled ‘Life with meaning’ (Yekaterinburg, Ural region, Russia)
This unusual format was born out of the increasingly popular “improvised” sessions “science slams”, where young scientists gather and are given the opportunity to share the results of their research. It […]