Joining forces for Gellért Hill (Budapest, Hungary)

Ecological Volunteering

New Acropolis Hungary, in cooperation with Fővárosi Kertészeti Zrt (Budapest Horticulture Ltd) and the local residents’ association – organized an Earth Day campaign to clean Budapest’s centrally situated Gellért Hill. 94 people took part in the action: in addition to New Acropolis volunteers, the team included students from two secondary schools in the district as well as friends and family members.



The participants went around the site in small groups, removing a total of 30 bags of rubbish from the green spaces. A group of students eradicated an invasive plant species in the bee pasture around the Philosophers’ Garden to prevent it from displacing other native species in the area.


Meanwhile, another group of men used shovels to clear drainage ditches of accumulated leaves.

At the end, participants shared their experiences with each other and joined in a merry round dance.


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