Joining forces for Gellért Hill (Budapest, Hungary)

New Acropolis Hungary, in cooperation with Fővárosi Kertészeti Zrt (Budapest Horticulture Ltd) and the local residents’ association – organized an Earth Day campaign to clean Budapest’s centrally situated Gellért Hill. […]

Celebration in the heart (Győr, Hungary)

The music group of the Győr Centre of New Acropolis Hungary visited Budapest with a two-hour music and poetry show. The introduction to the evening explained why this title was […]

Sightseeing walk in Budapest (Hungary)

New Acropolis held a natural and cultural history walk at one of the emblematic locations of the capital, the World Heritage-listed Gellért Hill. This is the twentieth year that the […]

Myth and Reality (Budapest, Hungary)

A lecture and discussion about Gaia, complemented with exercises, was held in New Acropolis Centre in Budapest under the title of Myth and Reality. The admission ticket to the programme […]