The Philosopher’s Role in Society: Insights from Helena Blavatsky (Brussels, Belgium)

Promotion of Philosophy

Sylvain Cigna, philosopher, sociologist, and director of New Acropolis Brussels, presented a lecture during which he posed the question of the philosopher’s role in the city. To answer this, he chose to focus on the example of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a philosopher and theosophist from the late 19th century whose impact crossed continents, influencing both the East and the West, and whose legacy continues to this day.

During his presentation, the speaker illustrated how HPB and her disciples initiated a genuine cultural revolution. He detailed the driving forces of this revolution: a deep commitment to equal opportunity, fraternity, liberty, truth, and justice. Through her esoteric and philosophical work, Blavatsky contributed to transforming social cohesion and the organization of societies, paving the way for new forms of thought and social interaction.

The conference concluded with a question-and-answer session, where the audience could directly engage with the speaker. The participants were very interested in the analyses presented and left the hall with new ideas about the role philosophers can play in the evolution of human societies.

This enriching evening reaffirmed the importance of philosophy in our quest to understand and transform the world, once again demonstrating that the teachings of great thinkers transcend eras and borders.

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