Visit to the “Angelus” Home for the Elderly – Main Centre – Peru

Social Volunteering, Volunteering

In September we visited the “Angelus” Home for the Elderly with the aim of bringing joy, enthusiasm and companionship to the elderly people who live there.

Our enthusiastic volunteers from the main centre in Lima shared various activities that lifted their mood and their spirits.

We did exercises of activation, breathing and laughter therapy, accompanied by the invaluable support of music. We reflected on the beginning of spring with a theatrical performance of the “Myth of Persephone”, through which the ancient Greeks explained the cycles and changes of seasons and harvest times.

We continued the activity with a joyful dance in which everyone could join in, and ended with a celebration of the 100th birthday of Grandma Matilde.

At New Acropolis we feel very happy to be able to share and offer these moments of joy and smiles to our older adults who have a lot to give with their experience, knowledge and wisdom.

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