Socrates knew nothing. And you? (St. Petersburg, Russia)

World Philosophy Day

Philosophy Days in St. Petersburg’s “New Acropolis” began with the search for criteria of a decent life.

School of philosophy offers not only lectures, but also many other means that provide holistic development, for example – philosophical dialogue.
Often a person enters into a dialogue because he wants to prove his point of view.
Philosophical dialogue is guided by the desire of its participants to come to the truth. It enriches the mind and heart of each participant, and everyone wins in it.
That’s why, we invited everyone to participate in quick dialogues. They start with a lecture “Dreaming of a Man” dedicated to Pico della Mirandola. Together with the lecturer, we reasoned on what is needed to make human being a real Human and why “Oration on the Dignity of Man”, written in 1486, is relevant now.
We called the series of quick dialogues – “Socrates knew nothing. And you? Participants thought on how to define their main values, how to find a way to mutual understanding.
The dialogues helped us to exchange opinions and enrich our philosophical experience.


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