Lecture: How to overcome your internal limits (Portugal)

Promotion of Philosophy

Nova Acrópole Portugal collaborated in the organization of the lecture How to Overcome your Inner Limits, given by the teacher, lecturer and writer Lúcia Helena Galvão.

The lecture brought us an in-depth study of the book A Guerra da Arte by the American writer Steven Pressfield, where the author describes the limits we have within ourselves, which prevent us from executing our plans, living our dreams with intensity, filling our lives with meaning, in short, growing as human beings and fulfilling our mission in this world with dignity.

With her unique personal style, Lúcia Helena connected with the large audience that had come to the event, establishing a close communication between them and the speaker. This communication contributed to the deepening of such a complex and interesting topic as internal limits.

In recognition of the lecturer, Nova Acrópole Portugal offered her, the day before the event, a dinner at the Palácio dos Aciprestes in the municipality of Oeiras (Lisbon), which included a musical and poetic evening.




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