Author: Uruguay
Lecture ‘How to conquer fear with philosophy’ (Montevideo, Uruguay)
The lecture hall of New Acropolis Montevideo, offered the lecture “How to conquer fear with philosophy”. Attendees spanning the age range showed great interest and participation in this topic.
First aid course for young students (Uruguay)
A first aid workshop was offered to 3rd year students of the high school Nº 54 del Prado. Some 40 youths and 5 teachers participated, with a very receptive and engaged attitude. […]
Day of blood donation (Uruguay)
A day of blood donation was held, promoted by New Acropolis Uruguay Club of Donors, in commemoration of World Blood Donor Day. Since 2004, tribute is paid to blood donors and […]
Lecture dedicated to the Genius of Mozart (Montevideo, Uruguay)
At the New Acropolis central branch of the city of Montevideo a lecture was held dedicated to the life and work of Mozart, accompanied by a piano and guitar recital. The activity […]
Lecture “Medicine for Body and Soul” by Dr. Gustavo Porras, Neurosurgeon (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Neurosurgeon and director of New Acropolis Argentina Dr. Gustavo Porras, gave a lecture entitled “Medicine for the Body and the Soul” at the New Acropolis headquarters in Montevideo, Uruguay. The […]
International Women’s Day 2014 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
On Saturday March 15, commemorating International Women’s Day declared by UNESCO, a series of activities was held at the headquarters in Montevideo-Uruguay .This series included a lecture on “Women and […]
New Acropolis offers a first aid course to members of the Red Cross (Soriano, Uruguay)
Invited by the President of the Red Cross of Soriano, volunteers from the First Aid and Rescue Group of New Acropolis offered a course in first aid and rescue for […]
Delivery of Christmas Baskets (Uruguay)
Shortly before Christmas New Acropolis volunteers came out in the morning to deliver Christmas baskets to people in the street, who received them with surprise and joy.
“The Flower of Hope”: a theatrical performance for children (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Volunteers from the New Acropolis Social Action group in Montevideo, Uruguay, put together a theatrical performance for children entitled “The Flower of Hope”. They made the clothes, decoration and accessories […]
World Philosophy Day and the 2400th anniversary of Plato’s Academy (Montevideo, Uruguay)
World Philosophy Day and the commemoration of the foundation of Plato’s Academy were celebrated at the headquarters of the Montevideo school. Two Philosophical-Cafes took place. They were titled “Platonic Love, […]