Category: Educational Activities
Combat for Harmony! Workshop (Budapest, Hungary)
A lecture titled ’Combat for Harmony’ on the relationship of martial arts and philosophy. The lecturer, himself an active practitioner of Taijutsu, spoke […]
Event about Creativity – “The way to create my Life” (South Korea)
New Acropolis South Korea held an event under the name: “Creativity – The way to create my Life” The participants heard a lecture about the spiritual meaning of the word […]
Volunteering Workshop (Prague, Czech Republic)
Practical Volunteering Workshop to learn how to help when a car accident occurs. Participants learned first-aid and CPR techniques.
Discovery of ancient cultures in the expedition to the lower Volga region (Russia)
New Acropolis Russia participated in the cultural and educational project (“The Lower Volga region. The Eurasian crossroads of civilizations”), a unique place from a cultural and historical point of view. For millennia, […]
Workshop: “Thinking like an App” (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Philosophical workshop entitled ‘Thinking like an App’. After an introduction on the characteristics of positive and negative thinking, participants were asked to together come up with a response to the […]
Lecture on human and Olympic values in a public school (Criciúma/SC, Brazil)
Series of lectures at the state public school Luiz Tramontin, located in Forquilhinha, on human and Olympic values in tribute to Pierre de Coubertin, an exceptional man who in the […]
Workshop “Reason and Intuition”. (Budapest, Hungary)
Participants became familiar with the functioning of the two cerebral hemispheres and how they complement each other, in the workshop entitled “Reason and Intuition” given […]
Ancient culture discovery in expedition to Lower Volga region (Russia)
New Acropolis Russia joined the cultural and educational project ‘The Lower Volga region. The Eurasian crossroads of civilizations‘. The Lower Volga region in the South of Russia is a unique […]
Seminar entitled “The Charm of Ancient Egypt” (Syracuse, Italy)
Throughout four lectures, the speakers Fausto Lionti and Stefano Musa, scholars and passionate investigators of the ancient history of Egypt and its broad symbology, developed this seminar as a wonderful […]
Applied Philosophy! (Australia)
Class in practical exercises of applied philosophy on fraternal coexistence.