Lotus Night Walk 2022 (Belgium)

During the month of May we usually organize a 50 km night walk! This year was no exception. Getting out of the comfort zone by challenging our own limits was […]

Hiking and horse riding (Košice, Slovakia)

Nature trips are always a welcome and rewarding opportunity to change the surroundings, at least for a while. If you add to this the beautiful weather, colorful nature, beautiful views […]

Lotus night walk 2022 (Belgium)

During the month of May, we used to organized a walk of 50 km during the night! This year was not the exception. Going out from the confort zone by […]

Sports day (Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala)

The members of the Antigua Guatemala Centre, together with their families, enjoyed a morning of sports with tennis, soccer, basketball and a walk through the forest. The objective of this […]