Category: Ecological Volunteering
Historical record of participation in environmental volunteering (Barcelona, Spain)
Recently, Habitats Association published its 2019 annual report on the state of rivers in Catalonia. New Acropolis has been participating in the Ríos (Rivers) Project since 2008, providing its data […]
Eco Vitosha 2020 (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Volunteers from the New Acropolis Sofia gave start of this year’s activities dedicated to taking care of the adopted tourist trail in the Vitosha mountain. After a thorough examination they […]
Cleaning Tel Aviv Jaffa Beach (Tel Aviv, Israel)
We gathered at the beach, a group of volunteers for beach cleanup activities. We opened a meeting with the Coast Manager with a short story on history and ecology. Then we […]
Volunteering in the Edible Forest (Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Israel)
Pardes Hanna-Karkur volunteers visited the edible forest near the community garden at “Bird Garden”. They built a pedestrian walkway, and along the way hung signs with phrases of wisdom that […]
Community Garden Project (Chicago, USA)
Volunteers from New Acropolis Chicago partnered with local landscape designers and residents to beautify the local public garden. The volunteers received a donation of plants which were then gracefully placed […]
Clean-up and maintenance in São Charbel (Varginha/MG, Brazil)
Getting together for an ecological action at Praça São Charbel, in Bairro Jardim Andere. The activity consisted of removing various shrubs and planting grass, seedlings of flowers and foliage. The […]
Love and Care for the furry ones with 4 paws ( La Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala)
Volunteers from the La Antigua Guatemala Center, spent a day in the AWARE animal shelter, a non profit agency that is dedicated to rescuing abused and abandoned animals, rehabilitating them […]
Volunteering Training Course (Córdoba, Argentina)
In February, the first practical activity of the Volunteering Training Course was carried out: participants gathered at the City Zoo to plant the seedlings of native species of the region […]
Clean-up in Sarmiento Park! (Córdoba, Argentina)
Together with participants of the volunteering training course, new friends accompanying us in ecological activities and members of New Acropolis Córdoba, we spent a beautiful day cleaning the Sarmiento park, […]
Vistula River Care (Warsaw, Poland)
New Acropolis continues to maintain the local environment by cleaning up the shoreline of the Vistula River. This annual event pays off, as this year the area had much less […]