Tag: Social volunteering
Social fundraising: collecting winter clothes and shelf-stable foods for the needy (Budapest, Hungary)
New Acropolis Hungary organized a collecting campaign in Budapest for people in need. The volunteers were expecting donations of winter items (coats, sweaters, blankets…) and food to be distributed to […]
Volunteering at ICNA Relief Center (Chicago, USA)
New Acropolis Chicago partnered with ICNA Relief Center, the center provides various things to refugees and this time, the volunteers helped by organizing and distribute food as part of our […]
Volunteering at ICNA Relief Center (Chicago, USA)
New Acropolis Chicago partnered with ICNA Relief Center, the center provides various things to refugees and this time, on January 28th, the volunteers helped by organizing and distribute food.
The ‘Child for the Good’ program expands its services to families (Brazil)
The Child for the Good Program of New Acropolis is preparing to celebrate its 15th anniversary this year, by expanding its services to the families of about 200 vulnerable children […]
Difficulties help unlock our reserves of strength (Buda, Hungary)
New Acropolis in Budapest held a workshop on inner strength in collaboration with the KórházSuli (‘Hospital School’) Foundation. The Foundation supports the education of children who miss months or even […]
Volunteering at Care for Real (Chicago, USA)
As part of a continuous collaboration with the ‘Care for Real’ organization in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago, New Acropolis volunteers assisted in different ways to provide food, clothing and […]
Support for Ukrainian refugees (Paris, France)
In Paris, the association New Acropolis welcomed a Ukrainian family in transit at Roissy airport.
Humanitarian assistance to “migrants” (Bordeaux, France)
Volunteers from New Acropolis Bordeaux provided humanitarian assistance to “migrants”. For Delphine, member of the association, this is the first time. She timidly follows the regular volunteers to the bridge […]
Distribution of food and clothing with ‘Care for Real’ (Chicago, USA)
As part of a continuous collaboration with the ‘Care for Real’ organization in the Edgewater neighborhood of Chicago, New Acropolis volunteers assisted in different ways to provide food, clothing and […]
Collecting clothes for the homeless (Budapest, Hungary)
Members of New Acropolis in Budapest and other cities spent a month collecting men’s, women’s and children’s clothes and shoes, as well as toys for families in need. This was […]