Tag: unity
Navigating towards unity: philosophy, wisdom and humanism in a world in disarray (Brussels, Belgium)
In a context where divisions seem to be growing, a conference organized by Nouvelle Acropole Belgique brought together a large, committed audience eager to find answers to the challenges of […]
Unity through Diversity: Panel Discussion for World Philosophy Day (London, UK)
To celebrate World Philosophy Day this year, New Acropolis London hosted a panel discussion on the theme: “How can we achieve more unity despite our diversity?” The panel consisted of […]
World Philosophy Day 2024 (London, UK)
In anticipation of World Philosophy Day (Thursday 21 November), a group of teachers and students from New Acropolis London went out onto the streets of Islington to hold philosophical dialogues […]
100 percent Human Dignity – united against racism (Germany)
Since 2017 the city of Nuremberg participates in the UNESCO´s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Numerous projects and activities make it clear that Human Dignity is absolute […]