Cultural journey in the footsteps of Ibn Qasi (Lisbon, Portugal)

Cultural Activities

1New Acropolis Lisbon organized a cultural trip to Mértola and Silves, two of the emblematic places related to Ibn Qasi, the wise King of the Algarve who unified southern Portugal and fought against the fanatical Almoravids.
José Carlos Fernández, National Director of New Acropolis in Portugal, was the guide who offered numerous explanations on this Andalusian mystic, the events of his time and the places visited including the Castle of Mértola – close to the ancient Muslim mosque today converted into a church under the patronage of Our Lady of the Assumption and its museum of Islamic art, the Castle of Silves, regarded as the greatest example of Islamic military architecture of the country, and the municipal museum of archaeology.  3
The visit ended with the reading of an excerpt from the prologue of the book The Sandals of the Teacher, of the writer and Islamist, Adalberto Alves.





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