Exhibitions in celebration of World Philosophy Day (Ukraine)

World Philosophy Day

In celebration of World Philosophy Day, New Acropolis Kiev organized an exhibition featuring the photos and essays of the winners of the contest The Philosophy of Ascension. This exhibition featured the best images and essays exploring themes such as form, ascension, overcoming. During the awards ceremony, the artists shared the ideas that inspired their creations.

Inauguración de la exposición y fallo del concurso “La filosofía de la ascensión” en Nueva Acrópolis Kiev

At New Acropolis Dnipropetrovsk the exhibition was dedicated to the Renaissance. During the ‘Feast of Leonardo’, participants presented the various talents of the Renaissance genius including musical performance and poetry recital, and craftsmen presented a bridge and a hammer on the basis of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. A ‘Shakespeare Live’ evening featuring excerpts from Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet was dedicated to honor, love and sense of duty.

Relatos cortos “Shakespeare Alive” en Nueva Acrópolis Dnepropetrovsk
Fiesta de Leonardo

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