Round table discussion ‘Volunteering with a Human Face’ in commemoration of World Philosophy Day (Hungary)

Social Volunteering, World Philosophy Day

In commemoration of  World Philosophy Day the Hunyadi Cultural Center of New Acropolis Hungary held a round table discussion under the title Volunteering with a Human Face. The participants invited were members of civil society who actively work for others in some area of life. New Acropolis has already had the opportunity to cooperate with some of them, or with the organizations they represent, for example at the Civil Island, one of Europe’s largest summer festivals.

The guests, most of whom came from the educational, pedagogical and social assistance fields, were involved in a discussion centering around the personality-forming power of communities and the importance of prevention and of looking at problems from different points of view. Philosophy as love of wisdom and the idea of the active wisdom also came to be discussed since, as Koichiro Matsuura, former Director-General of UNESCO put it, philosophical thinking is “the foundation for human rights and a just society”.

Participants agreed that this is the way leading to peaceful coexistence and the establishment of a better quality of life, the common goal of everybody involved in volunteering.



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