Philo-Lab: “The Challenge of Freedom” (Montreal, Canada)

Cultural Activities

New Acropolis launched a new experimental formula: Philo Lab!

The first topic centered on the challenge of freedom in order to invite us to reflect and to ask ourselves
if we are truly free. Starting from the basis that the desire for freedom is intrinsically part of the human being’s needs,
this activity was an invitation to reflect upon what it really means to be free. Freedom is at the center of many contemporary
debates, such as the freedom of expression and social struggles, and many fight to maintain or acquire more freedom.
But does this freedom have limits? Does being free mean we can do whatever we want whenever we want?

This reflection about freedom is not exclusive to our time and history demonstrates that we have not been the first to walk on the path to freedom. For example Stoic philosophers or the idea of
Liberation in Buddhist thought provide us with enriching reflections. The Philo Labs are designed to allow us to examine our life like a philosopher-scientist in order to understand how to be more free.

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