A “philosophical stone” of 40 years! (Greece)


A "philosophical stone" of 40 years!Reaching the 40th anniversary of its publication, the magazine “philosophical stone” of the “New Acropolis” Publications, becomes digital and accessible to all those who research and seek food for thought and knowledge in matters of philosophy, culture, psychology, metaphysics and science.In its 40 years of publication, the magazine “philosophical stone” has covered, with more than 170 issues, topics and issues of personal search, philosophical research, individual and collective thinking.Its articles have hosted the views and approaches of prominent scientists in Greece and abroad. The publication of the magazine “philosophical stone” is the result of unpaid work. It is a voluntary offer from both columnists and other contributors and proves the devotion and generosity of all those who want to selflessly transfer knowledge, because: “Darkness is not defeated by punches, but by light.”

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