News of the 4th Online Volunteering Fair (Córdoba, Argentina)

Social Volunteering, Volunteering

How can I help out in the place where I live? Can I really contribute to society? What type of volunteer work is being carried out in the city of Córdoba, in the province and in the country? How can I participate in these?

It has been 4 years since New Acropolis Córdoba convened this Fair, which aims to promote and celebrate the spirit of volunteering. It is a space where participating voluntary organizations can showcase and publicize their action in society, their challenges, the context in which they work and how to support them.

This year found us in a particular situation that prevented us from attending the event in person, so we decided to do it virtually through the Meet platform. In this way, from 19 – 23 October, we enjoyed 5 days in which we had the opportunity to learn more about different volunteer groups that offer solidarity actions in our city, in the province and in the country. Every day we held interviews with the different organizations, where each one told us about their volunteer work, their challenges, the context in which they operate and how to support with them.

We thank all the people who attended each of the talks and the organizations that participated.

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