World Philosophy Days (France)

Culture, World Philosophy Day

Once again this year, in 2022, the New Acropolis association actively participated in World Philosophy Day, decreed in 2005 by UNESCO, on the third Thursday of November each year.
More than 18 activities bringing together nearly 900 people were proposed by the association in France, one of whose fields of action is to promote practical philosophy in everyday life.

Today more than ever, in a world shaken by the crises linked to the COVID-19, the war in Ukraine and climate change, it is urgent to understand and know how to deal with the events we are experiencing.

By drawing on the precepts of the atemporal wisdoms, which are valid in every era of history, philosophy and its practical teachings help us to live and overcome the difficulties of everyday life while developing the strength and enthusiasm to project ourselves into the future.

Philosophy in all its forms

World Philosophy Day was celebrated in twelve cities by New Acropolis.

Welcoming philosophers, thinkers, intellectuals and citizens committed to a mutation of our culture towards a better world, this festival of philosophy reached a large public through different activities (café philos, interactive conferences, film-philo, exhibition, writing workshop, etc.) around themes as diverse as truth, happiness, vulnerability, demands, etc.

The language of symbols

As part of the international theme “the language of symbols”, chosen by New Acropolis for this edition of Philosophy Day 2022, some activities underlined how myth could be articulated with reality to contradict or exalt it, how symbols were allied with philosophy to lead understanding to levels inaccessible to discursive language, as in Plato’s myth of the cave for example.
This subject proved to be totally topical because it is through the activation of the symbolic function and the imagination that the creativity necessary to build a different future can be deployed.

A great success and a big thank you to all the volunteers of New Acropolis who joined their efforts to organise the activities in a welcoming, open and friendly atmosphere, thus showing that philosophy is not only an intellectual activity but also a practical one for an art of daily living.

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