New Acropolis is continuing its efforts to restore buildings in the Bucha area (Ukraine)

Humanitarian Disaster Relief

Every week, volunteers of the organization visit the village of Horenka to renovate private houses that were damaged due to Russian military aggression against Ukraine.

The local residents of Horenka are gradually returning to their homes, and some of them are receiving help from the volunteers to install temporary modular houses. Repair works are being carried out on partially damaged buildings, and the volunteers are restoring water supply, sewage systems, stairs, roofs, and windows. They are also dismantling those buildings that are no longer suitable for living.

A team of volunteers is working on several building sites, with specific tasks assigned to each group. For instance, in Olga’s house, the volunteers have installed a pump, repaired the sewage system, and are in the final stages of installing a fence around the entire perimeter for safety reasons. In Anna’s house, they have dug a septic tank, laid a drainage pipe to the river, and carried out other necessary repairs. Valentina’s house has had its water supply restored, and the volunteers have also procured and installed a new boiler, painted the walls with a special varnish, and insulated the doors.

The work being done by the New Acropolis volunteers is helping to restore a sense of normalcy to the lives of the residents of Horenka, who have suffered greatly from the effects of the conflict. The organization’s efforts to repair damaged buildings and install necessary infrastructure are vital for the long-term recovery and rebuilding of the area.



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