World Philosophy Day in 7 cities (Ukraine)

To celebrate World Philosophy Day, New Acropolis in Ukraine organized different events in of their cities. In Vinnytsia, a new edition of Plato’s dialogue “Menon” was presented. The book was […]

Solidarity for Ukraine (Cour Petral, France)

  In response to the emergency of the dramatic situation in Ukraine, the members of the Cour Pétral School of Philosophy have mobilized with strength and determination to help this […]

First Aid Training (Ukraine)

              New Acrópolis centres in Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk held First aid Training. In Lviv, in particular, the participants learned the skills of providing aid […]

Collection for Ukrainian refugees (Bulgaria)

Volunteers from New Acropolis in the capital Sofia collected first need products for the refugees from the war in Ukraine. We collected a lot of sanitary staff and warm clothes. […]

Collection for Ukrainian families (London, UK)

New Acropolis UK has collected essential supplies to help those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. New Acropolis volunteers responded enthusiastically to a call for essential items, which will be […]