Three days of conferences on symbols in honor of Philosophy (Budapest, Hungary)

Promotion of Philosophy

The Budapest Centre of New Acropolis Hungary hosted a three-day series of lectures on symbols in honour of World Philosophy Day. On the first evening of the event, participants played board games created by New Acropolis members. The aim of these games is not to defeat the opponent, but to share in the common adventure of discovering ourselves. In addition to this participants also experienced the many layers of meaning that can be revealed when deciphering symbols.

The next day, there was a round table discussion on the meaning of symbols and their role in our lives. The host gave a brief talk on four important symbols that appear in various mythologies. After that, at each table, the audience had the opportunity to share their thoughts on the meaning and use of the symbols in everyday life.

The third session was about the symbolic language of fairy tales. The speakers interpreted symbols that appear in the myths of several different cultures.

After listening to a Hungarian folk tale, the audience interpreted the motifs and symbols in the story together with the presenters. At the end of the programme, teams of 3 or 4 participants created their own tales using a symbolic image of their choice.


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