Colloquium: Plotinus and Adi shankara (Braga, Portugal)

Cultural Activities

New Acropolis offered a colloquium at the Museu dos Biscainhos (Braga), with the theme Plotinus and Adi Shankara.

This colloquium is part of the Cycle of Philosophy Meetings, whose theme is Philosophers of the World and aims to develop the idea of Unity beyond differences. An exercise in reflection that aims to find bridges between different philosophies and ways of thinking, highlighting what unites them.

The colloquium was given by two speakers:

José Carlos Fernández, director of New Acropolis Portugal.

Henrique Cachetas, director of New Acropolis Braga.

A unique confrontation was established between two great thinkers of philosophical spirituality: Plotinus, the founder of Neoplatonism, and Adi Shankara, the master of Advaita Vedanta.

This meeting was an opportunity to deepen the reflections of both philosophers on the nature of the Self, the relationship between the One and the Multiple and the process of spiritual elevation in search of the Supreme Truth.

José Carlos Fernández explored the thought of Adi Shankara, while Henrique Cachetas addressed the ideas of Plotinus.

The speakers highlighted the similarities between the two traditions, especially the shared vision of both thinkers on the journey of the soul towards union with the supreme principle and overcoming the illusion of multiplicity.

It provided a space for dialogue, reflection and exchange of ideas on spirituality, knowledge and self-knowledge.

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