Philosophy winter bootcamp (Belgium)


In January, New Acropolis Belgium organised the philosophy winter bootcamp. The aim of this event was to put ourselves in the shoes of the ancient philosophers who used observation and their experience of nature as an inexhaustible source of wisdom.

Participants were invited to spend some time outdoors in the depths of winter, practising exercises in self-knowledge – one of the foundations of the philosophical approach – and group dynamics, which provide an opportunity to question the notion of living together, which is at the heart of the construction of our society.

As always at NewAcropolis, the participants also lent a hand with local voluntary projects, which involved collecting rubbish and cleaning up a nature reserve to enable protected flowers to grow next spring.

The participants had a profound, challenging and fun time, but above all they came away from the experience with a better understanding of themselves and a greater openness to others.


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