Olympism, an art of life? (La Cour Pétral, France)

Cultural Activities

After the passing of the Olympic flame, Léonardo Pelagotti gave a lecture on the theme ‘Olympism, an art of life?’ at the Motel Saint Martin de Verneuil d’Avre et d’Iton.

Léonardo Pelagotti presented the history of the Olympic Games since their supposed birth some 2,800 years ago in Greece.

After a long period of oblivion, they reappeared in 1896, thanks to Pierre de Coubertin.

Leonardo highlighted the values of Olympism that deserve to be emphasised. The Olympic Games bring a spirit of unity and peace among all nations. Thanks to the sporting spirit, there is no competition, but everyone surpasses himself. Victory is about living the Olympic spirit by facing failure and coming out on top. Everyone dreams of victory and seeks to give selflessly to something greater than themselves.

Each of the 5 Olympic rings represents an essential human value that sums up the whole: excellence, respect, friendship, citizenship and fraternity.

Wouldn’t reviving these values today be the right remedy for our societies?

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