“Adventurous women: On the adversities of life” (Barcelona, Spain)

Cultural Activities

This year New Acropolis Barcelona chose for the activity Pensaengran to showcase the adventurous facet of women, and to remember those great travelers who overcame all obstacles – related to being women and to the geographical and climatological conditions of the places they visited – to carry out their adventure.

How necessary it is to be able to look back to discover the stories of the great souls who went through life leaving behind a trail of indelible light, because their inspiring power incites us to be better people and leads us to seriously ask ourselves: what is the true meaning of life? Who are we? And who do we want to be?

The question is: how do we approach our lives? How do we deal with adversity? If we are able to transform difficulties into opportunities, we can move on to discover our own answers and thus revealing our true strength. The difficulties of life are opportunities to discover who we really are, and in the adventure of apprehending that truth, how far do we want to go?

Great examples of this search were the protagonists of this “pensaengran”: Alexandra David Néel, Mary Kingsley, Ella Maillart and Cándida García. Great women of history, adventurous women who went beyond the established, beyond their own limitations, far surpassing the difficulties of life.

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