Leonidas ante portas (Leuven, Belgium)

The lecture “Leonidas ante portas”, carry out in the Leuven branch of New Acropolis, introduced the audience into the fascinating yet confronting world of the Spartans. Leonidas as example of […]

Philosophical Reflections on Love (Leuven, Belgium)

Chloé Ackaert, the director of Nouvelle Acropole Leuven, hosted a conference titled “Philosophical Reflections on Love.” This conference, based on Laura Winckler’s book “The Alchemy of Couple,” aimed to delve […]

Giordano Bruno or the Renaissance of Eros (Belgium)

February was marked by an exceptional conference entitled “Giordano Bruno or the Renaissance of Eros.” Hosted by Fernand Figares, director of Nouvelle Acropole in Belgium, this event sparked keen interest […]

Volunteering during a summer camp (Belgium)

During a summer camp, a team of about twenty volunteers worked on the restoration of an old brewery. Several projects were carried out, including the restoration of a roof and […]

Philoweek (Belgium)

A serie of conferences on philosophy for life were organized during one week.