Volunteering for Refugee children (Israel)

“If each day falls inside each night, There exists a well where clarity is imprisoned. We need to sit on the rim of the well of darkness and fish for fallen light, with […]

Volunteering for the Rescue Forces (Israel)

“Tragedy should serve as a source of strength. No matter what difficulties, no matter how painful the experience, if we lose hope, this is the real disaster.”  The Dalai Lama […]

Stress Coping Seminar (Israel)

We live in a world with a lot of uncertainty, crises, traumas and loss. This month we held a seminar for the general public, in which we tried to provide […]

Volleyball game (Pardes Hanna Karkur, Israel)

Did you know that there is a volleyball team in Acropolis, that combines sport and philosophy? Women, men, beginners and professionals. This month we went out with mentally challenged youth […]