Enjoying The Nature (Yokohama, Japan)

Hiking around Ten-en mountain – Kamakura. We enjoy the beauty of its flora, and the song of the typical Japanese bird: the nightingale or ugugisu. We also practice breathing exercises […]

Trip to Bohemian Paradise (Liberec, Czech Republic)

Journey to Bohemian Paradise (Český Ráj). They visited observation tower in Hlavatice u Trutnova, where they reminded themselves the myth of Theseus and the labyrint, one historical homestead called Kopicův […]

Archery training (Prague, Czech Republic)

Spring archery training in the Prague’s fields . The budding athletes not only improved their archery skills but also trained their physical fitness, posture as well as attention and concentration. […]

Mountain sport (Czech Republic)

Sport loving members of New Acropolis travelled to Jizera Mountains to relax and training. Despite the weather they had a nice weekend full of fun and sport.  

Bike tour (Zlín, Chech Republic)

New Acropolis Zlín, organized a bicycle trip through rural areas around the city. Participants visited an observation tower before cycling through the hills…