Book Fair in Bratislava (Slovakia)

New Acropolis took part in the book fair “Library”, and presented NA publications as well as archaeological replicas. There were new publications: Bhagavad Gita, Symbolism of Dragon and Confucius. Moreover, […]

Decatur Book Fair in Atlanta (USA)

Members of New Acropolis in Atlanta sold books on philosophy, culture, symbolism and literature at the Decatur Book Fair in Atlanta in September, 2012.

Book Fair in Portugal

The traditional Book Fair is held in Portugal during the months of May and June. An annual event for readers and booksellers, this year it was attended by sixty book […]

IONA International Yearbook 2012

Each year, the International Organization New Acropolis publishes a yearbook with some of the most significant activities held in the 60 countries where it is active. You can access this […]