Category: Publications
The Mistery Theatre in Greece. Tragedy – New Editorial Issue in Romania
The New Acropolis publishing house of Romania has a new publication: The Mistery Theatre in Greece. Tragedy by Prof. Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi. On this occasion, we organized a launch of […]
Book Fair in Bratislava (Slovakia)
New Acropolis took part in the book fair “Library”, and presented NA publications as well as archaeological replicas. There were new publications: Bhagavad Gita, Symbolism of Dragon and Confucius. Moreover, […]
Presentation of the book “Conversations” by Confucius in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
New Acropolis in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, held the presentation of the newly published book “Conversations (parts of the book Lun Yu)” by Confucius on December 20th 2012. Visitors were […]
Decatur Book Fair in Atlanta (USA)
Members of New Acropolis in Atlanta sold books on philosophy, culture, symbolism and literature at the Decatur Book Fair in Atlanta in September, 2012.
Pierre Poulain presented his work on photography (Budapest, Hungary)
Pierre Poulain, professional photographer and director of NA Israel, visited the Budapest NA Center, in Hungary, where he held a workshop on photography and presented his book Wisdom Through the Lens […]
Book Fair in Portugal
The traditional Book Fair is held in Portugal during the months of May and June. An annual event for readers and booksellers, this year it was attended by sixty book […]
Discovering what is karma in 60 minutes (Argentina)
Ricardo Blasco’s book, Discovering what is karma in 60 minutes, sparked the interest of a speaker, Ari Paluch, host of “The Juicer” on Imagine (FM 104.3), Radio Continental, who invited […]
IONA International Yearbook 2012
Each year, the International Organization New Acropolis publishes a yearbook with some of the most significant activities held in the 60 countries where it is active. You can access this […]
Radio promotion of activities to benefit UNICEF in Miami (USA)
New Acropolis in Miami, Florida promoted through radio spots, the “Second Annual Day of Reading Plato”, and the “Star Wars for the benefit of UNICEF”.
Magazine «Conhéce-te a ti mesmo» published in Portugal
Issue number 8 of the philosophical journal “Conhéce-te a ti mesmo” was published by New Acropolis Portugal.