Collection for Ukrainian refugees (Bulgaria)

Volunteers from New Acropolis in the capital Sofia collected first need products for the refugees from the war in Ukraine. We collected a lot of sanitary staff and warm clothes. […]

Collection for Ukrainian families (London, UK)

New Acropolis UK has collected essential supplies to help those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. New Acropolis volunteers responded enthusiastically to a call for essential items, which will be […]

Eco Vitosha (Sofia, Bulgaria)

For a second time this year volunteers from the New Acropolis did some repairing works on its adopted touristic at the Vitosha mountain. They also helped with the renovation of […]

Eco Vitosha 2019 (Sofia, Bulgaria)

For the third year in a row the volunteers from the New Acropolis are taking care for the adopted tourist trail in Vitosha mountain. Besides overlooking the current state of […]