Exhibition on the International Day of Mother Earth in La Paz (Bolivia)

Mother Earth Day
DANGER. A photo exhibition reflecting the warming of the globe. Photo: Musef

As part of the annual World Day of Mother Earth, the National Museum of Ethnography and Folklore (MUSEF) from La Paz and New Acropolis in Bolivia presented the exhibition “Mother Earth, from North to South, East to West”. It is an exhibition that aims to show the importance of the concept of the Earth as divinity that humanity has had for centuries and the human impact on the Earth.

The exhibit, presented in three parts, consists of 22 photographs, three videos and five pieces of sculpture and ceramics alongside other pieces collected in Africa, Greece, Egypt and Bolivia.

The first part showcases the beauty of nature. The second shows the ways in which cultures have symbolized their appreciation of the Earth while the third features the contact humans have had with the Earth through the millennia.

Alongside the exhibition there will be workshops for children, video conferences and discussions.

Published in:

Bolivia en la Unesco
La Razón” from Bolivia
El Diario” from Bolivia

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