New Acropolis volunteers in Central Russia paint the walls in an Orthopedic health centre for children

Social Volunteering

zabor-02-06 zabor-02-12 A group of 60 New Acropolis volunteers had two adventurous weekends at the Orthopedic health centre for children. The health centre is surrounded by a high and gloomy wall, and volunteers wanted to paint designs and themes on the walls to make them more cheerful.

On the first weekend there were repair and preparation tasks. The second weekend was devoted to the “highly artistic” activity — painting the wall. It turned out to be quite a challenging task, taking into account that most of the volunteers were newly-fledged painters! The weather was unusually hot for Moscow; not to mention the length of the fence!

With all that, it was a wonderful experience for each volunteer to work as part of a team, learn new skills and enjoy being helpful.
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