International Mother Earth Day. Long live plurality! (Germany)

Mother Earth Day

Our planet is “One”, but it harbors an innumerable multitude of beings that live and develop on it, including Human Beings. They are all intertwined in an almost magical way for the good of each and all.

To remember this miracle of unity and plurality, the philosophers of NA Germany offered a variety of activities in celebration of International Mother Earth Day.

Activities included talks and lectures on profound ecology and natural philosophy as important foundations, workshops and excursions into nature to get to know natural herbs and various other gifts from our Mother Earth. Practical actions included processing the fruits of the earth, helping plants in our asphalted cities and removing plastic and other waste from the environment.

These days offered a beautiful opportunity to interact with other idealists from various environmental organizations, with our philosophers as well as with Mother Earth herself.

The activities concluded with circular dances, symbolizing the unity that was felt between the participants and our Mother Earth.


Earth Day GermanyEarth Day 2022

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